Mike Matei NES

Mike Matei NES
(Disclaimer: This is not hating on Mike Matei. I actually enjoy him in James' videos. This is just for jokes, and not meant to be taken seriously. Thanks. -MechaKingGhidorah789)
Being an 80's kid was the
best. We had nothing but cheesy one- liner action movies, long haired
dudes rocking out, and best of all, we had the Nintendo Entertainment
System, better known as the NES. One of the people which some younger
generations are watching, have also found out about the NES through
watching videos from Cinemassacre. The main owner of this channel was
James Rolfe, but there was also a friend of James', and that friend
is Mike Matei. I myself was one of the few fans of his reviews, even
though I rather much prefered James. One day though, my love for the
NES, and Cinemassacre were changed on a strange day.
I got home from work one
day, I was so stressed out; I needed something to relieve my stress
levels. I remembered about my old NES, and proceeded to look for it.
I went to my old pantry, and pulled out my NES, and my stash of
games.“Here, lets see, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda,
Blaster Master, oh man which one,” I said to myself. I was going to
play some good old Action 52, my all time favorite game, but then the
door bell rang. I answered it, and it was one of my old friends,
. “Um I wish we could have
arranged a date to meet, but I remembered you liked NES stuff, so
here's a little gift,” He handed me a small wrapped present. “I'm
really sorry, I'm quite busy at the moment. I'll see you later,”
Alfred ran off. I opened up the small, gift- wrapped item, and it was
what I had expected, an NES game. This was no ordinary game though. I
thought it was some homebrew that someone made, since it possibly
couldn't have been made in the NES times. The title of the game was
Mike Matei. It had a picture of Mike smiling, with the Nintendo seal
of approval on the bottem with the words “only for NES”.
I laughed, since I liked
Mike Matei from Cinemassacre, and just at the pure absurity of
someone making a game about someone like Mike Matei. I was wondering
what an entire game centered around Mike Matei would be about. I
popped it in the NES, and the title screen came up. It said in big
letters “MIKE MATEI Press start to yank your balls” I laughed at
this title screen, since Mike Matei is famous for making sex jokes.
The strange thing is, when I pressed start, I could feel my hand
slighty reaching for my balls a little. I thought I subcontiously did
this because the screen told me to, somewhat how someone will touch
an item with a sign that says DON'T TOUCH or something like that.
Then the gameplay started.
It gave a small backstory on how the world was in danger from demons,
and how Mike had to stop the invasion. Then I was able to take
control of the situation. It showed an 8 bit rendition of Mike in
some sort or city. When you used your attack, it shot little dicks
from his hand. I laughed again. I was loving this game, as I shot
demons using my dicks. After playing the Mega Man like gameplay for a
bit, going through platforming sections, I made it to the boss. It
was a large 4 armed demon. I easily defeated it after upgrading
myself using power ups to shoot green dicks. After he was going to
die, it said something: “There's,” And that's all it said before
it died. I was curious to know what else it was going to say. Mike
was then elevated to the sky by a mysterious red beam of light.
I then procceded to the next
level. Now I was in the clouds. Before I could move though, the sky
turned red and the clouds turned pink. I didn't think of this as
odd, since it was a game about fighting demons after all. Then Mike
started to jump on the clouds like trampolines, and continued to slay
demons. Then a new character came out. It was the AVGN! “TAKE THIS
game him a power up. This time, it was armour....MADE OF DICKS! But I
was scared now because the AVGN was shaking. Then James turned into A
DEMON!!!! This demon was different from the last boss though. This
demon had a massive penis! He tried to hit Mike with it, but I was
too quick for that mother fucker! I charged up my male genital ray,
and blew his penis right off! “There's....no....” the demon said
similarily to the last demon boss. “There's no what?” I thought
to myself. I knew now that there was gonna be a message. I had to
know this message now that I'd gotten this far. Then it went to a
cutscene of Mike going up to another demon, and was charging his
penis ray up. Suddenly, the demon shot Mike as he jumped away from
the clouds! Mike had died. I thought it was the ending of the game.
The screen went black for a second, showing Mike Falling down. Mike
had landed up in Hell!
Evil laughing could be heard
in the distance as he went through the level. The graphics were also
starting to change. They were much more graphic than the rest of the
game had been. There were corpses chained to the wall, and heads on
pikes. Nothing you wouldn't expect from a Hell level wasn't there
luckily. This time though, the level was a maze similar to Metroid. I
was getting frusterated. I also had felt something odd. I was getting
warmer, and warmer the longer I stayed in the level. Something was
not right here, I was positive because something was odd in here.
Then skeletons started to chase me down the maze! I tried to launch
my dicks at them, but they would only go right through them! I was
sweating heavily as I used my adrenaline rush to get out of the
hallways of the labrynth. I finally made it out with barely enough
health left.
The next level was odd as
well. It was a cutscene of Mike approaching a big scary looking
demon. Before he was going to obliterate it though, JAMES BUSTED OUT
said as he handed Mike a red gun. “Who's the mother fucker now
mother fucker,” James said as he and Mike went down the hall to
fight more demons. I was pleasently surprised to find that red guns,
were actually from Crossfire! “YEAH CROSSFIRE MOTHER FUCKERS!” I
yelled at the T.V.
My body trembled and shook
at the sight of the next section. The graphics were getting shittier.
The backrounds had turned into dicks and stuff like that. Before I
was laughing, but I ain't laughing now. I knew at that very moment
that this game was pure evil. I had finally made it to the end boss
fight! This time, it was a large, dinosaur like demon. This boss was
much much MUUUUUUUUUCH more different from the last bosses though,
since this one spoke to me! “I'M GOING TO YANK ON YOUR BALLS NOW
MOTHERFUCKER!” It shouted at me.I was able to re gain control of my
hand, and started to kick its ass now! It sure was hard, since he was
immune to my dick attacks. He made one swing, and my dick armour had
been penetrated! I found that the secret was to jump on his tounge
when he lunged out to french me and James, and I launched the dicks
MOUTH!” It spoke to me!
Suddenly, my hand started
moving on its own! It went straight for my genetelia!
“AAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!” I yelped as my hand procceeded to squeeze on
boss mocked me. I felt my head swing down unnaturally to my crotch
area now! I had to beat him before he made me give myself auto
HIS TURBO TUNNEL NOW!” James' text bubble read out. Out of nowhere,
AVGN pulled something out of his pants! I was releived that it wasn't
his dick, but instead, it was ANOTHER DICK! My mouth was un-doing my
pants, and was almost at my balls. I picked up the dick, and launched
it at the demon when he was laughing.
After he had swallolled that
dick like the champ he was, he exploded into BLOOD AND GUTS
EVERYWHERE! “There's..... no.......” The demon muttered. I was
ready to find out the final part of the message! I was dissapointed
though, to find out that it was only scratches. Then the two sprites
went back up to the surface, to see that everything was back to
normal now. “CONGLATURATION! YOU'RE WINNER!” Was the ending
screen showed up before returning to the title screen. Luckily, I was
able to break free right after my underpants were ripped off, before
I swallowed my own genetelia.
“Wow, well that was a
shitty ending,” I said to myself as I turned off my NES, and
burried the game cartridge. “Well now, I need to take a shit,” I
murmured to myself. I made my way to the bathroom. I then sat down,
and took my dumps. I was then mortified, and was sweating all over
when I realised something. I had finally figured out the message as I
looked over to my side.
“There's......no......toilet paper......”
For the sequel, click [http://trollpasta.wikia.com/wiki/Mike_Matei_NES_2?venotify=created Here]